Fork 0

124 lines
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import Shepherd from "shepherd.js";
import {
} from "../storage/common.js";
import {introductionSteps} from "../tours/introduction.js";
import {tourIdsAndSteps} from "../tours/exports.js";
/** The main entry point for the content script. */
async function main(): Promise<void> {
const introductionUnderstood = await createIntroductionUnderstood();
// Get the anchor without the leading #.
const anchor = window.location.hash.slice(1);
// We only care about anchors with our prefix.
const prefix = "tildes-shepherd-tour=";
const startsWithPrefix = anchor.startsWith(prefix);
// Automatically start the introduction tour if the person hasn't already
// been through it and only when on the Tildes homepage.
if (!introductionUnderstood.value && window.location.pathname === "/") {
// If a different tour is selected but the introduction hasn't happened yet,
// then the main function will be rerun once this tour finishes.
startTour("introduction", introductionSteps, [], startsWithPrefix);
if (!startsWithPrefix) {
// Get the tour ID from the anchor by removing the prefix.
const anchorTourId = anchor.slice(prefix.length);
// Then run through all of the tours we have and start the first match for the
// ID.
for (const [id, steps, eventHandlers] of tourIdsAndSteps) {
if (anchorTourId === id) {
startTour(id, steps, eventHandlers, false);
console.error(`Unknown anchor tour id: ${anchorTourId}`);
* Starts a new Shepherd.js Tour with the specific steps and event handlers.
* @param tourId A unique ID for this tour.
* @param steps All the steps of the tour.
* @param eventHandlers Event handlers to attach to specific steps.
function startTour(
tourId: TourId,
steps: TourStepOptions[],
eventHandlers: TourStepEventHandler[],
runMainAgainAfterComplete: boolean,
): void {
const tour = new Shepherd.Tour({
defaultStepOptions: {
buttons: [
classes: "btn",
text: "Continue",
action() {
classes: "btn",
text: "Back",
action() {
classes: "btn",
text: "Exit",
action() {
useModalOverlay: true,
// Add an event handler for when the tour completes.
tour.on("complete", async () => {
// Remove all mock elements that were added in the tour, just in case any
// weren't removed after their respective steps.
const mockSelector = '[data-tildes-shepherd-mock="true"]';
const mockElements = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(mockSelector);
for (const element of Array.from(mockElements)) {
// Mark the tour as completed.
await addCompletedTour(tourId);
if (runMainAgainAfterComplete) {
await main();
// For every step we have, add it to the tour and subsequently add all the
// event handlers to that step.
for (const stepOptions of steps) {
const step = tour.addStep(stepOptions);
for (const [targetStepId, [eventName, eventHandler]] of eventHandlers) {
if (targetStepId === step.id) {
step.on(eventName, eventHandler);
// Pull the lever, Kronk!
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main);