Fork 0

107 lines
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import {type JSX, render} from "preact";
import browser from "webextension-polyfill";
* Adds a `[data-tildes-shepherd-counter]` attribute to a specified element. For
* the associated CSS, see `source/content-scripts/scss/main.scss`.
* @param selector The selector of the element to apply the counter to, if the
* target element can't be selected an error will be thrown.
* @param count The number to display in the counter.
export function addDatasetCounter(selector: string, count: number) {
const element = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>(selector) ?? undefined;
if (element === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Target element for "${selector}" is undefined`);
element.dataset.tildesShepherdCounter = count.toString();
* Create a new `div` element and put all the specified elements inside it. Used
* for highlighting groups of elements that have sibling elements we may not
* want to highlight. Like highlighting only the search bar, title and
* description in the homepage sidebar, but not all the rest of the sidebar.
* @param stepId The unique step ID to set as
* `data-tildes-shepherd-encapsulated="<id>"`. Used for attaching the Shepherd
* step to the container.
* @param rootSelector The selector for the root element to insert the container
* near. This doesn't need to be the parent element necessarily, since
* {@link Element.insertAdjacentElement} is used to do the inserting it can also
* be inserted before or after the root element.
* @param position The insert position for {@link Element.insertAdjacentElement}.
* @param selectors The list of element selectors to include in the new
* container. Note that you should make sure any elements included don't break
* their CSS when contained by a new `div` element and ideally they should all
* be adjacent to one another and specified in the order they appear in.
export function encapsulateElements(
stepId: string,
rootSelector: string,
position: InsertPosition,
selectors: string[],
) {
const container = document.createElement("div");
container.dataset.tildesShepherdEncapsulated = stepId;
for (const selector of selectors) {
const element = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>(selector) ?? undefined;
if (element === undefined) {
console.warn(`Unexpected undefined element: ${selector}`);
// Don't encapsulate anything if the parent is already one of our elements.
if (
element.parentElement?.dataset.tildesShepherdEncapsulated !== undefined
) {
const root = document.querySelector(rootSelector) ?? undefined;
if (root === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Root selector returned undefined: ${rootSelector}`);
root.insertAdjacentElement(position, container);
* Content scripts can't open the options page themselves, so send a message to
* the background script and open it there.
* @param event The mouse click event to prevent from happening.
export async function openOptionsPageFromBackground(
event: MouseEvent,
): Promise<void> {
await browser.runtime.sendMessage("open-options-page");
* Removes all elements with a `data-tildes-shepherd-counter` set.
export function removeAllDatasetCounters() {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(
for (const element of Array.from(elements)) {
delete element.dataset.tildesShepherdCounter;
* Render JSX inside a `div` and return the div. This is mostly used so we can
* pass JSX more easily to Shepherd, which doesn't accept JSX directly but does
* accept {@link HTMLElement}. So this bit of indirection gets us there.
export function renderInContainer(root: JSX.Element): HTMLElement {
const container = document.createElement("div");
render(root, container);
return container;