//! Helper functions and miscellaneous utilities. use std::time::Duration; use { async_std::task::sleep, chrono::{NaiveDate, Utc}, color_eyre::{ eyre::{eyre, WrapErr}, Result, }, sea_orm::{ConnectOptions, Database, DatabaseConnection}, surf::{Client, Config}, tildes_parser::Html, }; /// Creates the SeaQL [`DatabaseConnection`]. pub async fn create_db(sql_logging: bool) -> Result { let database_url = get_env_var("DATABASE_URL")?; let mut connect_options = ConnectOptions::new(database_url); connect_options.sqlx_logging(sql_logging); Database::connect(connect_options) .await .wrap_err("Failed to connect to database") } /// Creates the HTTP [`Client`]. pub fn create_http_client() -> Result { let user_agent = get_env_var("USER_AGENT")?; let http: Client = Config::default() .add_header("User-Agent", user_agent) .map_err(|err| eyre!(err))? .try_into()?; Ok(http) } /// Shorthand to download a URL and parse it to [`Html`]. pub async fn download_html( http: &Client, url: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)).await; let html = http .get(url) .recv_string() .await .map_err(|err| eyre!(err))?; Ok(Html::parse_document(&html)) } /// Shorthand for [`std::env::var`] with wrapped error message. pub fn get_env_var(key: &str) -> Result { std::env::var(key).wrap_err(key.to_string()) } /// Create a [`NaiveDate`] for today. pub fn today() -> NaiveDate { Utc::now().date().naive_utc() }