//! All logic for group datas. use { color_eyre::Result, sea_orm::{prelude::*, QueryOrder, QuerySelect}, }; pub use crate::{ entities::group_data::{ ActiveModel as GroupDataActiveModel, Column as GroupDataColumn, Entity as GroupDataEntity, Model as GroupDataModel, }, snapshots::SnapshotModel, }; impl GroupDataModel { /// Get all group datas from a given snapshot. pub async fn get_all_by_snapshot( db: &DatabaseConnection, snapshot: &SnapshotModel, ) -> Result> { let groups = snapshot.find_related(GroupDataEntity).all(db).await?; Ok(groups) } /// Get the group with the highest subscriber count from a given snapshot. pub async fn get_highest_subscribers( db: &DatabaseConnection, snapshot: &SnapshotModel, ) -> Result> { let group = snapshot .find_related(GroupDataEntity) .order_by_desc(GroupDataColumn::Subscribers) .one(db) .await?; Ok(group) } /// Get the N most recently saved group datas from a given group name. pub async fn get_n_most_recent( db: &DatabaseConnection, amount: u64, name: &str, ) -> Result> { let groups = GroupDataEntity::find() .order_by_asc(GroupDataColumn::SnapshotId) .filter(GroupDataColumn::Name.eq(name)) .limit(amount) .all(db) .await?; Ok(groups) } }