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Creating hooks

All of Hooked's configuration is done inside the Hooked.toml file. It should be placed inside the same directory your .git directory is.

├── Hooked.toml      <- !
├── .git             <- !
│   └── ...
├── source
│   └── ...
└── ...

Inside Hooked.toml, hooks are defined as arrays of tables with a name (optional but highly encouraged) and either a command or script.

A simple pre-commit hook is defined like the following:

name = "Hook name, optional but highly encouraged"
command = "echo \"Hey, $USER!\""

To test that this works, use the run CLI command and you should see something like this.

$ hooked run pre-commit
Hooked: Running 1 pre-commit hook.
	✓ Hook name, optional but highly encouraged

To see what happens when a command fails, append && exit 1 to your configured command and run it again.

If you want to run a script, create a hooks directory and place your script there. Then in your configuration file use the "script" field for your hook. Make sure that your script is executable!

name = "Hook name, optional but highly encouraged"
command = "cargo test"
+ [[pre_commit]]
+ name = "A script hook"
+ script = "run-tests.sh"

Defining both a command and a script for a hook will make only the command run.

The directory Hooked looks in can be configured via the general.directory field, should you wish to change it.

+ [general]
+ # Use the same directory where Hooked.toml is.
+ directory = "."
name = "Hook name, optional but highly encouraged"
command = "echo \"Hey, $USER!\""

name = "A script hook"
script = "run-tests.sh"

For a full list of everything you can configure in Hooked.toml see the Configuration Reference. And for the CLI there is the CLI Reference.

Those are the basics of creating hooks! Now to make Git use these hooks continue on to the next chapter.