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2023-04-14 09:48:52 +00:00
// Import native Node libraries.
import path from "node:path";
import process from "node:process";
import fsp from "node:fs/promises";
// Import Esbuild and associated plugins.
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import copyPlugin from "esbuild-copy-static-files";
import {sassPlugin} from "esbuild-sass-plugin";
// Import PostCSS and associated plugins.
import cssnano from "cssnano";
import postcss from "postcss";
// Import local functions.
import {createManifest} from "./manifest.js";
import {createWebExtConfig} from "./web-ext.js";
* Create an absolute path from a given relative one, using the directory
* this file is located in as the base.
* @param relative The relative path to make absolute.
* @returns The absolute path.
function toAbsolutePath(relative: string): string {
return new URL(relative, import.meta.url).pathname;
// Create variables based on the environment.
const browser = process.env.BROWSER ?? "firefox";
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development";
const test = process.env.TEST === "true";
const watch = process.env.WATCH === "true";
// Create absolute paths to various directories.
const buildDir = toAbsolutePath("build");
const outDir = path.join(buildDir, browser);
const sourceDir = toAbsolutePath("source");
// Ensure that the output directory exists.
await fsp.mkdir(outDir, {recursive: true});
// Write the WebExtension manifest file.
await fsp.writeFile(
path.join(outDir, "manifest.json"),
// Write the web-ext configuration file.
await fsp.writeFile(
path.join(buildDir, `web-ext-${browser}.json`),
JSON.stringify(createWebExtConfig(browser, buildDir, dev, outDir)),
const cssProcessor = postcss([cssnano()]);
const options: esbuild.BuildOptions = {
bundle: true,
// Define variables to be replaced in the code. Note that these are replaced
// "as is" and so we have to stringify them as JSON, otherwise a string won't
// have its quotes for example.
define: {
$browser: JSON.stringify(browser),
$dev: JSON.stringify(dev),
$test: JSON.stringify(test),
entryPoints: [
path.join(sourceDir, "background/setup.ts"),
path.join(sourceDir, "options/setup.tsx"),
format: "esm",
logLevel: "info",
minify: !dev,
outdir: outDir,
plugins: [
// Copy all files from `source/assets/` to the output directory.
copyPlugin({src: path.join(sourceDir, "assets/"), dest: outDir}),
// Compile SCSS to CSS.
type: "style",
async transform(source) {
// In development, don't do any extra processing.
if (dev) {
return source;
// But in production, run the CSS through PostCSS.
const {css} = await cssProcessor.process(source, {from: undefined});
return css;
// Link sourcemaps in development but omit them in production.
sourcemap: dev ? "linked" : false,
// Currently code splitting can't be used because we use ES modules and
// Firefox doesn't run the background script with `type="module"`.
// Once Firefox properly supports Manifest V3 this should be possible though.
splitting: false,
// Target ES2022, and the first Chromium and Firefox releases from 2022.
target: ["es2022", "chrome97", "firefox102"],
treeShaking: true,
if (watch) {
const context = await esbuild.context(options);
await context.watch();
} else {
await esbuild.build(options);