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This repository has been archived on 2022-10-04. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

459 lines
17 KiB

// Require dependencies
const path = require('path');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const df = require('date-format');
const {Feed} = require('feed');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const GitLab = require('gitlab').Gitlab;
const gulp = require('gulp');
const htmlclean = require('gulp-htmlclean');
const klaw = require('klaw-sync');
const log = require('fancy-log');
const merge2 = require('merge2');
const scss = require('gulp-sass');
const sync = require('browser-sync');
// Require statistic functions
const {avgTime, freqUsers, labelsAlphabet, changedLines, uniqueContributors} = require('./statistics');
// Define paths that are gonna be used commonly
const paths = {
data: {
commits: path.join(__dirname, 'data/commits/'),
issues: {
open: path.join(__dirname, 'data/issues/open/'),
closed: path.join(__dirname, 'data/issues/closed/'),
out: path.join(__dirname, 'data/issues/out/')
extra: path.join(__dirname, 'src/favicons/**'),
html: {
index: path.join(__dirname, 'src/index.html'),
posts: path.join(__dirname, 'src/posts/*.html')
out: path.join(__dirname, 'public/'),
scss: path.join(__dirname, 'src/scss/*.scss')
// Define options for Node Sass and Browser Sync
const opts = {
scss: {
outputStyle: 'compressed'
sync: {
server: {
baseDir: paths.out
// The data to download from specified month, months are zero-based zo January would be 0
// Make sure both of these are **numbers**, if they are strings it won't work properly!
const wantedMonth = new Date().getMonth();
// Since we've passed from 2018 into 2019 we also have to start checking for year now
const wantedYear = new Date().getFullYear();
// Init the months array, probably a way to do this with Dates but this works too
const months = [
// Add the year and month to the open/closed/out path so they're easy to identify
const commitsPath = `${}${wantedYear}/${months[wantedMonth]}/`;
const openIssuesPath = `${}${wantedYear}/${months[wantedMonth]}/`; // Folder
const closedIssuesPath = `${}${wantedYear}/${months[wantedMonth]}/`; // Folder
const outIssuesPath = `${}${months[wantedMonth]}${wantedYear}`; // Will become table and statistics files
// Make the directories using fs-extra's "mkdir -p" equivalent
// It will make any directory that doesn't yet exist in the path
// Create the browser sync server, it only starts when using `gulp watch` however
const server = sync.create();
// Copy over the HTML, using merge2 to use Gulp's async completion and multiple src's
function buildHTML() {
return merge2([
gulp.src(paths.html.posts).pipe(htmlclean()).pipe(gulp.dest(paths.out + 'posts/'))
// Build the CSS
function buildCSS() {
return gulp
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.out + 'css/'));
// Build the extra stuff, for now only the favicons
function buildExtra() {
return gulp
// Start the Browser Sync server and watch individual file types with appropriate build functions
function watch() {
server.init(opts.sync);[paths.html.index, paths.html.posts], gulp.series(buildHTML, createFeeds, reload));, gulp.series(buildCSS, reload));, gulp.series(buildExtra, reload));
// To use Gulp's async completion system this has to be done, it's ugly but can't do without it
function reload(callback) {
function download() {
// Create the API with the token
const api = new GitLab({token: require('./config.json').token});
// Return a new Promise so we can take advantage of Gulp's async completion system
// We'll reject whenever there is an error and resolve when everything is completed
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// The Node GitLab API is a bit weird, first we have to find the project Tildes/Tildes
.catch(error => reject(new Error('There was an error fetching the project:', error)))
.then(project => {
log('Found project, downloading issues...');
// Then once we find the project we can use it and its ID to download the issues
.catch(error => reject(new Error('There was an error downloading the issues:', error)))
.then(issues => {
// And then once we've downloaded all the issues we can write them to file appropriately
log(`Downloaded issues, saving opened and closed issues from ${months[wantedMonth]} ${wantedYear} to file...`);
for (const issue of issues) {
const createdDate = new Date(issue.created_at);
if (createdDate.getFullYear() === wantedYear &&
createdDate.getMonth() === wantedMonth) {
fs.writeFileSync(openIssuesPath + `${issue.iid}.json`, JSON.stringify(issue, null, 2));
const closedDate = new Date(issue.closed_at);
if (issue.closed_at !== null &&
closedDate.getFullYear() === wantedYear &&
closedDate.getMonth() === wantedMonth) {
fs.writeFileSync(closedIssuesPath + `${issue.iid}.json`, JSON.stringify(issue, null, 2));
log('Finished writing issues to file.');
log('Downloading commits...');
.then(() => {
api.Commits.all(, {ref_name: 'master', with_stats: true})
.catch(error => reject(new Error('There was an error downloading the commits:', error)))
.then(commits => {
log(`Downloaded commits, saving commits from ${months[wantedMonth]} ${wantedYear} to file...`);
for (const commit of commits) {
const authoredDate = new Date(commit.authored_date);
if (authoredDate.getFullYear() === wantedYear &&
authoredDate.getMonth() === wantedMonth) {
fs.writeFileSync(commitsPath + `${commit.short_id}.json`, JSON.stringify(commit, null, 2));
log('Finished writing commits to file.');
function createIssueTable() {
// Using a Promise again for Gulp's async completion
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Klaw returns all files in a directory recursively so we're getting all opened and closed issue files
const opened = klaw(openIssuesPath);
const closed = klaw(closedIssuesPath);
// Then we want to sort all of these issue files in their arrays
opened.sort((a, b) => {
const aFile = require(a.path);
const bFile = require(b.path);
return (aFile.iid > bFile.iid) ? 1 : ((bFile.iid > aFile.iid) ? -1 : 0);
closed.sort((a, b) => {
const aFile = require(a.path);
const bFile = require(b.path);
return (aFile.iid > bFile.iid) ? 1 : ((bFile.iid > aFile.iid) ? -1 : 0);
// And then generate the Issue Table HTML, which is kind of a mess to do
let table = '<article id="issue-table">\n';
table += ' <h2>Issue Table</h2>\n';
table += ' <h3 id="opened">Opened</h3>\n';
table += ' <table>\n';
table += ' <thead>\n';
table += ' <tr>\n';
table += ' <td>Issue</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Title</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Author</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Opened</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Closed</td>\n';
table += ' </tr>\n';
table += ' </thead>\n';
table += ' <tbody>\n';
for (const file of opened) {
const issue = require(file.path);
table += ' <tr>\n';
table += ` <td><a href="${issue.web_url}">${issue.iid}</a></td>\n`;
let title;
if (issue.title.length >= 50) {
// We're going to be replacing all instances of <> signs to make sure nobody can add
// <script></script> in their issue title and run JS on the site or mess up the layout or something
// I do check myself before I commit and push anything but I'd rather be completely sure.
title = issue.title.slice(0, 47).replace(/[<>]/g, '') + '...';
} else {
title = issue.title.replace(/[<>]/g, '');
table += ` <td>${title}</td>\n`;
table += ` <td><a href="${}">${}</a></td>\n`;
table += ` <td>${df.asString('yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss', new Date(issue.created_at))}</td>\n`;
let closedAt;
if (issue.closed_at === null) {
closedAt = '';
} else {
closedAt = df.asString('yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss', new Date(issue.closed_at));
table += ` <td>${closedAt}</td>\n`;
table += ' </tr>\n';
table += ' </tbody>\n';
table += ' </table>\n\n';
table += ' <h3 id="closed">Closed</h3>\n';
table += ' <table>\n';
table += ' <thead>\n';
table += ' <tr>\n';
table += ' <td>Issue</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Title</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Author</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Opened</td>\n';
table += ' <td>Closed</td>\n';
table += ' </tr>\n';
table += ' <thead>\n';
table += ' <tbody>\n';
for (const file of closed) {
const issue = require(file.path);
table += ' <tr>\n';
table += ` <td><a href="${issue.web_url}">${issue.iid}</a></td>\n`;
let title;
if (issue.title.length >= 50) {
title = issue.title.slice(0, 47).replace(/[<>]/g, '') + '...';
} else {
title = issue.title.replace(/[<>]/g, '');
table += ` <td>${title}\n`;
table += ` <td><a href="${}">${}</a>\n`;
table += ` <td>${df.asString('yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss', new Date(issue.created_at))}</td>\n`;
let closedAt;
if (issue.closed_at === null) {
closedAt = '';
} else {
closedAt = df.asString('yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss', new Date(issue.closed_at));
table += ` <td>${closedAt}</td>\n`;
table += ' </tr>\n';
table += ' </tbody>\n';
table += ' </table>\n';
table += '</article>\n';
// And finally when the HTML is done generating we can write it and resolve that Promise we made
fs.writeFileSync(outIssuesPath + '_table.html', table, {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
function createStatistics() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Same process as the Issue Table generation
const commits = klaw(commitsPath);
const opened = klaw(openIssuesPath);
const closed = klaw(closedIssuesPath);
let statistics = '<article id="statistics">\n';
statistics += ' <h2>Statistics</h2>\n';
const commitStats = changedLines(commits);
const contributors = uniqueContributors(commits);
statistics += ` <p>In the month of ${months[wantedMonth]}, `;
statistics += `${commits.length} commits were made by ${contributors.length} contributors, `;
statistics += `changing a total of ${Math.abs(} (+${commitStats.added}|-${commitStats.deleted}) lines. `;
statistics += `${opened.length} issues were opened and `;
statistics += `${closed.length} issues were closed.</p>\n`;
statistics += ` <p>An average of ${(opened.length / 30).toFixed(2)} issues were opened `;
statistics += `and ${(closed.length / 30).toFixed(2)} issues were closed each day.</p>\n`;
statistics += ` <p>The average time to close issues was ${avgTime(closed, 'days')} days `;
statistics += `or ${avgTime(closed, 'hours')} hours.</p>\n`;
const topUsers = freqUsers(opened, 3);
statistics += ' <p>Top 3 issue creators:</p>\n';
statistics += ' <ol>\n';
for (const user in topUsers) {
statistics += ' <li>\n';
statistics += ` <a href="${user}">${user}</a>`;
statistics += ' with ';
statistics += `<a href="${user}">${topUsers[user]} issues created</a>.\n`;
statistics += ' </li>\n';
statistics += ' </ol>\n';
let labels = labelsAlphabet(opened, true);
statistics += ' <p>Amount of labels assigned to currently open issues:</p>\n';
statistics += ' <ul>\n';
for (const label in labels) {
statistics += ' <li>\n';
statistics += ` <a href="${label.replace(' ', '+')}")>${label}</a>:`;
statistics += `${labels[label]} `;
if (labels[label] === 1) {
statistics += 'time.\n';
} else {
statistics += 'times.\n';
statistics += ' </li>\n';
statistics += ' </ul>\n';
labels = labelsAlphabet(closed, false);
statistics += ' <p>Amount of labels assigned to closed issues:</p>\n';
statistics += ' <ul>\n';
for (const label in labels) {
statistics += ' <li>\n';
statistics += ` <a href="${label.replace(' ', '+')}")>${label}</a>:`;
statistics += `${labels[label]} `;
if (labels[label] === 1) {
statistics += 'time.\n';
} else {
statistics += 'times.\n';
statistics += ' </li>\n';
statistics += ' </ul>\n';
statistics += '</article>\n';
fs.writeFileSync(outIssuesPath + '_statistics.html', statistics, {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
function createFeeds() {
const feed = new Feed({
title: 'Tildes Issue Log',
description: 'Monthly blog highlighting the changes of',
id: '',
link: '',
language: 'en',
image: '',
favicon: '',
copyright: 'AGPL-3.0-or-later Tildes Issue Log Contributors',
generator: '',
feedLinks: {
atom: '',
json: '',
rss: ''
author: {
name: 'Bauke',
email: '',
link: ''
const posts = fs.readdirSync(path.join(paths.out, 'posts'));
// Remove the template, that doesn't need to be included
posts.splice(posts.indexOf('template.html'), 1);
// Sort the posts descending year and month
posts.sort((a, b) => {
const yearA = Number(a.replace(/\D/g, ''));
const yearB = Number(b.replace(/\D/g, ''));
if (yearA === yearB) {
const monthA = months.join(',').toLowerCase().split(',').indexOf(a.slice(0, a.indexOf('-'))) + 1;
const monthB = months.join(',').toLowerCase().split(',').indexOf(b.slice(0, b.indexOf('-'))) + 1;
return monthB - monthA;
return yearB - yearA;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const post = posts[i];
const html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(paths.out, 'posts', post), 'UTF8');
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const title = $('#wrapper>h1').text();
const id = `${post}`;
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(
Number(post.replace(/\D/g, '')),
// Add one to the month since UTC months are 0 based and since we set the
// day as 0 we'll get the Date back as the last day of the previous month
months.join(',').toLowerCase().split(',').indexOf(post.slice(0, post.indexOf('-'))) + 1,
0, 23, 59, 59
const content = $('#post')
.replace(/<article id="toc">.+?<\/article>/g, ''); // Remove the TOC
link: id,
published: date,
description: `${title}'s Issue Log`,
image: ''
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(paths.out, 'feed.atom'), feed.atom1());
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(paths.out, 'feed.json'), feed.json1());
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(paths.out, 'feed.rss'), feed.rss2());
return Promise.resolve();
} = gulp.series(gulp.parallel(buildHTML, buildCSS, buildExtra), createFeeds); = gulp.series(download, gulp.parallel(createIssueTable, createStatistics));
exports.no_download = gulp.parallel(createIssueTable, createStatistics); = gulp.series(gulp.parallel(buildHTML, buildCSS, buildExtra), createFeeds, watch);