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This document mainly exists so I (Bauke) remember how to go about publishing Love since it's a little complicated for certain platforms.

To update the version of a theme, use yarn versioning.

Published to platforms

The following sections assume you have previously published a version, but are starting from a completely fresh repository.


Requires the Atom Package Manager to be installed.

  1. Clone all the love-... repositories from the GitHub organization into source/atom/. The directories created will be gitignored in the current repository.
  2. Build the Atom theme by running yarn build (or yarn build:atom).
  3. Change into each directory (cd source/atom/love-...) and review the changes.
  4. When satisfied, use apm publish major|minor|patch to publish to the Atom Package Registry and the GitHub repositories.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Run yarn build (or yarn build:vscode).
  2. Change into the VS Code source directory (cd source/vscode/).
  3. Run yarn package to create the .vsix package.
  4. Head to the Marketplace Manage Extensions page.
  5. Click on the ... next to the current version and click on Update.
  6. Upload the .vsix that was created in step 3.

Published to the website

The following integrations aren't yet/can't be published to platforms, so mostly no special procedure needs to happen. They are just built and served on the website directly.

  • Firefox (if updated, the links need to be updated on the website too, may get published to AMO).
  • Kitty.
  • Sublime Text (may get published at some point).
  • Tauon.